
Sleep Tips

Time to “Spring Forward”

February was here and gone! I am over the snow and so ready for the warmer weather and extra sunshine that comes with Spring! Even if that means we lose an hour of sleep! Daylight savings time begins Sunday March 14th, which is a little over a week away!

Should you be concerned about this change? Only if you have kids!

Baby Won’t Lay Down To Sleep

Milestones are such an exciting time in our baby’s lives. When baby rolls over for the first time or when you first hear them giggle, we’re overjoyed. Baby giggles are the best. Then they start getting more mobile, crawling, sitting up, couch surfing and eventually pulling to stand and walking! As parents we’re so eager to see our baby achieve these milestones. But often it opens up a whole new world that we’re not prepared for quite yet!

Your baby can now get to places and reach items that you may not want them to! We’re in full on baby proofing mode (lower that crib mattress) and we’re extra cautious about what our baby is doing at all times. In addition to all of this, new milestones can often wreak havoc on our baby’s sleep, especially when your baby won’t lay down to sleep.

Coping with Anxiety

Motherhood is a roller coaster of emotions: joy, love, depression, fulfillment, anxiety, pride, thankfulness, overwhelm and exhaustion to name a few. You’re expected to sleep when the baby sleeps, but also return to work after 2-3 months along with caring for yourself and other children.
If your baby isn’t sleeping you probably aren’t either and in general you’re exhausted. You’ve tried all the things and you just can’t function anymore. Sleep deprivation is real, but the thought of sleep training brings your anxiety and overwhelm to a whole new level.